1. Scanlations here are free to read and free to share.

2. Please do not distribute the scans with any charge. (Seriously. It's not that I'm selfish; If I were, I wouldn't have been sharing the releases. But I think it's pretty awful to charge somebody when these are meant to be distributed freely.)

3. Please do not plagiarize the translations.

4. Please do not re-edit the scans to avoid minimizing image quality.
Let me know if you want to help with cleaning so I can give you the "raw" raws. <---weird.lol

5. There are no subscription fees required to receive updates.

6. Monetary donations are not welcome. Translation aid and raw downloads are.

7. Please avoid asking the translator about personal stuffs.

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11. Keep smiling. ^^

                              ^_^             Enjoy your stay               ^_^